Monday, January 12, 2009

SEO -Where are Your Websites Positioned on Google?

SEO -Where are Your Websites Positioned on Google?

After over 10 years of development, the Veretekk™ GOLD lead generation and marketing system has reached a point where the true power and potential ( which up till now has only been available to the company founders) is now available to you!

There is nothing else in the entire world like Veretekk - much less the Platinum system!It is an incredibly sophisticated system… a true work of art… made easy to understand and simple to use.

Much like the rest of Veretekk, the Platinum system will continue to evolve with newfeatures being added all the time. The following features either exist now or are being contemplated for addition in the near future (in italics):

The reasons and justifications for such a system are many. Perhaps the 2 mostobvious applications are:

1) Serious SEO power you won't believe.

Veretekk™ Platinum provides you with the ultimate search engine optimization (SEO) system - virtually ensuring you will obtain top search engine rankings for your chosen web sites and keywords. I can provide you with the Veretekk GOLD lead generation and marketing systemsPlus state-of-the-art SEO service through my Platinum system.

When a Veretekk Gold system and all the Traffic Portals are interlinked, properly configured, connected to a massive number of Super Blogs™ and Blogger Drones™ sites, etc. - all controlled from a single control panel…when targeting most any keyword, you will find yourself at the top of the search engines very quickly!

When you find yourself at the top of the search engines with a good keyword, you WILL GET business and success is yours to be achieved!

2) Massive downline recruiting and support.

If you're promoting a specific business opportunity you can benefit from using Veretekk Goldsystems and incorporated use of my Platinum system to take control of the Veretekk™ Gold systemsmanaged by your organization. We can immediately configure them in an optimal way to grow the entire organization! When you are able to configure your business / downline's Veretekk Gold systems optimally, you will achieve SEO success and watch your business / downlines explode. Your business / downline will start achieving success and this could leaad to more and more VeretekkGold upgrades meaning even more revenue for you.

If you're a business operator or online business Leader, how many people are in your downline are failing to achieve even moderate results with their system? Using Veretekk Gold and my Platinum system you can offer this service to them. What used to take tons of time to properly configure a Veretekk Gold system can now be achieved in about 12 minutes. Think about that for a minute. Imagine adopting this strategy and offering this service to your downline as well.
Let me help you consolidate your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Service or show youhow you might obtain a superior service, save time, money and get your websites position placedhigher on Google!

As the globalization of the world continues and the economic shift becomes more pronouncedI'm sure you - like me will want to be sure that you're positioning your self to be a force of positivechange to be reckoned with.

SEO has become the primary goal of Veretekk to be able to control unlimited SEO assists (blogs,rss feeds, social networks,mailing lists, classifieds, search engines, forms, etc.). Add to that 1000's of Veretekk assets built right into the system, like the Blogger Drones, Blogger template files, Super Forums, and you can easily see that using the Platinum Control Panel to run an SEO campaign is the only manageable solution on the Internet.

If you would like to consolidate your efforts, or if you want help to learn how to develop your own strategies, I can an provide you with widespread control of your online projects - All from a single control panel!

If you are an or SEO service provider, consider incorporating several the Veretekk Gold Systems for SEO campaigns for your customers. You can use them for campaigns of any size.You can configuretheir systems for them in record time. That way they can concentrate on marketing, not the learning curve. You can help yourclients save time by offering to manage the configuration and SEO of their sites. You can also Build and handle more accounts by utilising the Platinum Control Panel to increase your own productivity.

It's state-of-the-art technology and I am indeed fortunate to be able to offer use of it to you.

You can Skype me: frank.heath1 or visit
Frank Heath - SEO Services and Effective Promoting on Google Certified Veretekk TrainerTel: 006495291195Cell: +64 21 334 569Skype frank.heath1Earn money with AlertPay:
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