Saturday, January 24, 2009

is there such thing as "Push Button" PPC?Sunday, January 18, 2009 8:07 AM

Do you know how to get your PPC ads in the right spots, grab the highest-converting clicks and invade markets like the pros do?

If that's not currently a reality for you, it can be with this new Push Button PPC tool called Google Ambush:

Do you know how long it would take you to create PPC campaigns as complete, optimized, and profitable as what this new push button software can literally do in a few minutes?

On average it takes any normal person about 400 hours!!!

Which would you rather do?

Imagine slaving away for 10 full-time weeks to get the job done.

Most people never do that. They dive in with enthusiasm, but after a couple weeks they take one of two paths.

Some just give up completely. Can you blame them?

It's a lot of work, and it's easy to get frustrated and bag the whole thing.

Most people, though, fire up the campaign while it's still held together with loose screws and duct tape. Then they hope for the best.

The result?

Almost always extreme disappointment, high cost and broken dreams.

Then they quit in frustration just like the early quitters, but these folks are a lot poorer because they got hammered by Google in expensive, unprofitable clicks.

It's a shame, really, because lots of these people quit right before they start seeing any worthwhile results.

That's why Google Ambush may be the answer for you.

It takes all of the frustration away, and cuts the time required to just a tiny fraction of what it takes to do things the long manual way.

It pretty much does EVERYTHING for you.

Google Ambush finds markets for you. Yes, it goes out and finds the niches with money to blow. These are the juicy micro-niches that have HUGE profit potential.

Then the software spies on your competition by figuring out their most profitable keywords and spills the beans telling you which keywords are actually making them profit right now.

Then you can use them for your own campaigns.

But Google Ambush digs deeper and shows you which specific ads are the winners in any market you choose.

Why bother starting from scratch?

Find the winners and copy them! It's sort of like the Burger King restaurant placement strategy - find a McDonald's and build a Burger King right across the street.

And once you know the keywords you need and have the a*ds to copy, Google Ambush will translate all of that work into a separate, beautiful, high converting landing page for each keyword.

Have 250 of them? No problem.

You'll get 250 pages at the press of a button. Have 5,000?
Just as easy.

That can take days or weeks if you do it on your own. With Google Ambush, it'll take literally seconds. Press a button and BAM!

Out come your beautiful landing pages.

All you do is log into your account, press a few buttons, and Google Ambush does all the hard work for you. You could fire up a successful campaign in an afternoon and see profit by the
next day.

Can you see the possibilities?

To Your Success,

Du Adwords Pro

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