Sunday, January 11, 2009

Marketing Tips - Had to share this with you.

Something incredible has arrived and I had to share this with you.
I just became a shareholder in me2everyone and I never had to pay a single penny for the shares! It can only be described as the gold-rush for 2009. This company is going to be huge and shares will soar in value over the coming months! You can register for free and it never has to cost you a single penny!

me2everyone is going to be a cool new virtual world where you can meet friends, chat, shop, play, watch videos, create an art gallery, open a virtual newspaper, play the free inworld lottery and make money from your own online store! You and everyone your know make the decisions, shape the world, create real incomes and share in the profits. It’s a new place where you meet new people or invite your friends. Learn new skills or expand your business. Find the love of your life or help the planet.

Membership is free and every member automatically becomes a shareholder in me2everyone Limited. Personally I have 2500 shares in the venture and I'm going to increase my shares very soon. This is an excellent chance for all of us to make some real progress in 2009 and beyond! Please don't miss it.

If you are looking for something really good in 2009: something that changes your view on the world, then you really have to spend just one minute and look at this website.
Richard Mathiason505-861-1045webmaster@rich4life.comskype id: richforlife

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